Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of January 5, 2020


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends and Happy New Year. Here is our first Northeast “Shout Out” for the year 2020. We hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday break and are ready to return back to school tomorrow. The holiday break has gone by much too quickly and if 2020 is anything like 2019, it will also be gone in an instant. As we start the New Year let us be mindful of the routines and procedures we have here at school especially when dropping off and picking up our children from school. At times our traffic around school is very hectic and no one wants to see anyone get hurt or have an accident, so please be patient and safe around the school and everywhere that your travels may take you.  

On the school front for this first week back we start the year getting our 8th grade students thinking about the high school when the high school counselors come down to visit on Wednesday. Our 8th grade team leaders then follow up on Friday with a visit to Liberty with an explanation regarding the high school Program of Studies.  

In athletics our basketball teams have two games this week. On Monday we start out with our crosstown rival Nitschmann. Our girls play at home and our boys are away. Then on Thursday we play against Nazareth and our boys play at home and our girls are away. We wish both teams the best, and hope they start the year 2020 off with wins!   

Our wish for this coming year is that it be the best year ever in the lives of our students, our families and our community.