Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of March 29, 2020


Good afternoon, this message is from Mr. Rahs, principal of Northeast Middle School. I hope all of you are well and are doing your best to stay healthy. The BASD’s Tier Five Mitigation Plan will officially begin tomorrow, Monday, March 30th, when all teachers will begin to provide formal instruction to all students as per the following district guidelines:  

•BASD middle schools will perform asynchronous instruction, meaning that instructor and student interactions are not dependent on real time. Asynchronous instruction will allow the student to engage in learning activities anywhere and anytime during a defined window of calendar time.

•This window of calendar time will be defined as one week during Tier Five which will begin on Monday at 9:00 AM and continue through the following Monday at 12:00 Noon when assignments will be due.

•Each BASD middle school will provide Common Tier Five Assignments that will be issued weekly on Mondays by 9:00 AM.

•The Common Tier Five Assignments will consist primarily of one assignment for each content area each week and will take no longer than sixty minutes to complete. Only these Common Tier Five Assignments will be required and graded.

•Teachers will oversee the core instruction of the weekly assignments in Schoology and will communicate directly with students and parents. Paper packets will be available at each middle school and food distribution site from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM for those who do not have access to technology.

•The BASD core on-line curriculum resources such as EnVision, StudySync, Discovery Ed, etc. can be accessed through Clever and will be utilized in the delivery of the Common Tier Five Assignments.

•Encore teachers will formally provide their students academic continuity by offering weekly learning and communication opportunities (not graded) to their students in Schoology.

If your child’s chromebook or anything else they need is still at school, Mr. Sawicki or Mr. Rahs will be at School tomorrow and Tuesday only to allow for students to pick up materials.  After Tuesday no one is permitted into the buildings.

This Tier Five Mitigation Plan, although not ideal, will provide our teachers the opportunity to deliver some detailed content while primarily focusing on positive engagement and communication with students. Please continue to stay current with our district and school web sites as well as on Twitter for updated and important information.  Please email your child’s team leader should you have questions or issues as we all move to get through this crisis.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy.