Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 19, 2021


Hello, Northeast Nation, this is your Sunday Shout-Out for September 19th. We have completed our third week of school and I would like to say thank you to all of the families and students who consistently wear their masks and are doing their part to keep all of us safe. Thank you and keep it up! Please remember to monitor your health and refer to the daily symptom monitoring checklist.

I have three pieces of information to share with you. The first has to deal with a Tik Tok challenge where students are being encouraged to destroy property here at school especially in the bathrooms. This is heartbreaking for us because we know how much the community cares about our school. I am asking every family to please talk with their child about respecting their school and understanding that destroying property means we have less opportunity to pay for the fun activities that people enjoy at school. The second is vaping. It is rampant and students are participating or possessing vape pens here in school. Please talk to your children about the dangers of vaping and also the consequences for bringing vaping material or other forbidden objects to school. The third is picture day.  Picture day will be on Thursday, September 23rd only.  Flyers have been sent home and there are order forms in both offices. Families are encouraged to place online orders.

On the positive side of things we have the following athletic events going on here at Northeast next week.  Please make sure to come out or travel and support our student-athletes.

Tuesday 9/21    Volleyball v. Whitehall away at 4:00 pm

Field Hockey v. Northampton HOME at 4:00pm

Thursday 9/23  Cross Country v. Nazareth away at 4:00 pm

Volleyball v. Nitschmann HOME 4:00pm

Friday 9/24        Volleyball v. Saucon Valley HOME at 4:00 pm

Saturday 9/25    Football v. Nitschmann HOME at 9:00 am