Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 26, 2021


Hello Hornet families, this is the Sunday shout out for September 26th. Thank you to everyone for doing their very best to make sure their students are wearing a mask every day when they come to school. Your efforts are helping keep everyone safe.

This seems hard to believe but we are already halfway through the first marking period. We will be sending out midterm progress reports, please look for them in your mail. A reminder that parents can always check Schoology to keep track of their student’s progress and assignments.

We are offering free breakfast and lunch to all students everyday this year. Next Tuesday October 5th we will have an early dismissal. Students will be dismissed from school at 11:30am. Transportation will be provided for those students who normally take the bus.

This week’s Athletic games are:

  • Monday, 9/27 Field Hockey vs Easton @ home & both the Girls Volleyball & Cross Country are away @ Nazareth
  • Wednesday, 9/29  Volleyball vs Raub @ home, Field Hockey is away @ Nazareth
  • Thursday 9/30 Cross Country is @ Parkland
  • Friday, 10/1 Volleyball plays @ Broughal
  • Saturday, 10/2 Football plays @ 10AM @ Whitehall

Every Friday, please make sure to read BASD’s weekly eNews available on the district website.  The BASD eNews features a new section with Student/Family Thank You to Teachers/Staff Members. See our first one in this edition. To send your entry, please email bclymer@basdschools.org.

BASD eNews – September 24, 2021 Edition

Have a great remainder to your weekend.