Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for January 21, 2022- Day 3


CHORUS AT LIBERTY: If you are an 8th grader who is interested in singing in Liberty High School’s chorus next year as a freshman, please email Mrs. Parker now at dparker@basdschools.org – your name will be added to a list to be given to the chorus director at Liberty. Remember, singing at the high school means that you will be receiving a letter grade. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Parker during your 8th grade lunch time, around 11:45. Thank you.

ENCORE CLASSES: A reminder to all students – the last day of the 3rd rotation for your Encore classes is Monday, January 24th. Be sure to either speak with your teacher or check Schoology to see what assignments you may owe. Be proactive about your work and responsibilities. See your teacher if you have any questions at all.


  • BAND & ORCHESTRA: Attention all musician students, please remember at the end of the day to pick your instrument up from the band room to take home and practice.
  • HOMEWORK CLUBS: If you are in 7th or 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305 and 7th graders meet in Ms. Rinaldi’s room A112. You get a snack and milk, too!
  • SISTER ACT, JR: Saturday, January 22nd’s rehearsal for Sister Act Jr. will be as follows: 9:00-10:00am – Scene 11, pages 86- 90: TJ, Curtis, Pablo, Curtis’ Boys 10:00-12pm – ALL CAST; Thank YOU for your Northeast time and talent! If you have any questions or concerns, please see or email Mrs. Parker immediately. No STRESS…we’ve got this!
  • ZOMBIE CLUB: Zombie Club members, in order to participate in the pizza party in the end, please hand in your $3 to either Mrs. Papagni, Miss Rinaldi, or Mr. Spieker anytime. In addition, your Research Disease must be completed too.