Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for February 4, 2022- Day 1


BASKETBALL GAMES: We will now have a student section at our home basketball games. If you come to a game, you will sit in the first section of bleachers on the left side of the gym as you come in the doors. Please remember that the Code of Conduct is in effect while you are at the games and  on school grounds. Please be considerate of those around you. Cell phones are not to be used at the games and must be kept in your pocket or backpack. Masks must be worn with your mouth and nose covered.

PROUD SOCIETY: Our next PROUD Society event will be on February 17th. We will have a meet and greet breakfast in the cafeteria and then move into the auditorium for a video game tournament and board games. So, keep an eye out for those Marking Period 2 report card proud pounds and ask your homeroom teacher where to find the Proud Society application. Fill it out as soon as possible in order to be eligible for our next event and receive your free Proud Society T-shirt. Remember it’s 7 proud pounds to get in, 1 proud pound for 6th grade is 20 hornet fives, 7th grade is 15 & 8th grade is 10. See your homeroom teacher with any questions!

SPRING SPORTS: Attention! Attention! All 7th and 8th Grade students who plan to participate in Softball or Soccer this Spring! You will need to get a physical or revaluation form filled out and turned into our Athletic Trainer. Those who need a physical – St. Lukes is offering free physicals at Liberty and Freedom. Please use the SignUp Genius Link in your Schoology Message to sign up. Liberty will hold the physicals on Wednesday, Feburary 16 in their upstairs Aux Gym. Freedom will hold their  physicals on Tuesday, February 22, in their Aux Gym as well. Times for both dates are from 5:00-8:00 pm. There will be no walk-ins accepted! So please use the link in Schoology to sign up. Physical packets and revaluation forms can be picked up in the Main Office or Student Services. Any questions please see Mr. Korcienski in A107 or send him a message in Schoology.

STOMP SHOW: The Stomp Show is tonight! It’s gonna be drippy, no cap! It will feature teams from different schools and also our very own Northeast Step Team and Dance Team! Plus, we have special guests… Laura Dunham is singing and Jayden aka 54 Romeo is going to be rapping! Buy your tickets during lunch today for the student sale price of $5. Tickets at the door will be $10.

TOGETHER WE SING WORKSHOP: Chorus members who are singing in the Together We Sing Workshop – please get your permission slips in ASAP. If you need one, please get to Mrs. Parker…thank you for sharing your talent! If you need one, see Mrs. Parker.

VALENTINE’S DAY FLOWERS: Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Student Leadership would like to share with you about the opportunity to purchase flowers for someone special. Student leadership will be selling the carnations during all three lunches from January 31st through February 4th. The cost is only $1 dollar or 5 Hornet Fives (yellow slip only). You will need the person’s name and their homeroom upon purchase. Any questions please see Mrs. Derrington or a student in student leadership.


  • BAND & ORCHESTRA: Attention all musician students, please remember at the end of the day to pick your instrument up from the band room to take home and practice.
  • CHORUS: Friday, February 4th is a rehearsal for all 7th and 8th grade chorus members -please report to the chorus room for rehearsal during Hornet Block.
  • HOMEWORK CLUBS: If you are in 7th or 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305 and 7th graders meet in Ms. Rinaldi’s room A112. You get a snack and milk, too!
  • SISTER ACT, JR: Saturday, February 5th is a rehearsal for all cast members from 9 AM until noon.; Cast and crew members – You need to submit your biographies for our program for February’s show. Please get them to Mrs. Parker ASAP.
  • ZOMBIE CLUB: Zombie Club members, in order to participate in the pizza party in the end, please hand in your $3 to either Mrs. Papagni, Miss Rinaldi, or Mr. Spieker anytime. In addition, your Research Disease must be completed too.


  • SOCCER: There will be a Soccer Meeting after school to hand out Physical Forms and talk for 15 minutes on Wednesday Feb 9th in the cafeteria. Any questions, please see Coach Spieker on the 7th grade floor in room A108.