Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 1, 2022- Day 3



  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Tuesday, March 1st will be a rehearsal for NE Singers from 3:15- 4:30. We will talk about Bruno as well as get back into the  groove. Looking forward to seeing you! Wednesday, March 2nd will be a rehearsal for Girls Group from 3:15- 4:15, followed by a Girls Barbershop rehearsal from 4:14-4:45. See you then!
  • ART CLUBA new art club will be held in Mrs. Korhammer’s room every Tuesday  beginning 3/8/22 until 5/10/22. Mrs. Korhammer will teach you how to customize or personalize sneakers, a backpack/tote bag or hat. Please stop by her room during Hornet Block to get the permission form. The first 20 to return the filled out and signed form to Mrs. Korhammer may participate.
  • BAND & ORCHESTRA: Attention all musician students, please remember at the end of the day to pick your instrument up from the band room to take home and practice.
  • DANCE TEAMPractice Wednesday after school until 4:15pm. See everyone then!
  • HOMEWORK CLUBS: If you are in 7th or 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305 and 7th graders meet in Ms. Rinaldi’s room A112. You get a snack and milk, too!
  • MARCH MATHNESS: 7th graders -need help with math? Join March Mathness and get free math tutoring every Monday after school in March! Interested? See Mrs. McCandless in Room A109 for a permission slip.
  • SISTER ACT, JR: A rehearsal for the cast of Sister Act Jr. will be held on Thursday, March 3rd in preparation for our upcoming performance on March 15th. Rehearsal will last from 3:15-4:00. Performance: Tuesday, March 15th – details to be announced on 3/3/2022 – we will be in costume! Thank you to everyone for your Northeast time and talent in this year’s musical…You make us Northeast Proud of your dedication to bringing back live theater to our school!
  • STEP TEAMPractice Tuesday after school.
  • WORLD PERCUSSION: Practice WEDNESDAY during Hornet Block and Thursday after school. See everyone then!
  • ZOMBIE CLUBThe Pizza Presentation Party for our last day will be on March 2nd!


  • COED SOCCER: Attention 7th & 8th grade boys & girls! Everyone interested in Co-Ed Spring Northeast Soccer Team, there will be an Open Gym for boys and girls to play fun games after school on Thursday March 3rd. Please bring a water bottle and sneakers and meet in the gym after school on TThursday March 3rd. Open gym will only last 1 hour. If you have any questions about Soccer, please see Coach Spieker in room A108