Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 16, 2022- Day 2


PEDIATRIC CANCER FOUNDATION: Northeast Middle School is hosting a fundraiser for the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley. This organization has directly helped members of our school community. Please see the attached flyer. 

PROUD SOCIETY: Proud Society members, don’t forget to keep earning those proud pounds because you can still use them to get cool rewards. When you have a total of 12 proud pounds you get a Northeast lanyard, and when you have 17 you receive a NE pin. Come down to the school store on Days 1 or 4 to get your lanyard or pin. At the end of the year the top 100 proud society members with the most proud pounds get to go to the special Proud Society Event. Thanks for making our school Northeast Proud!

SCHOOL ASSEMBLY: Get excited for Saint Patrick’s Day this Thursday, March 17th! The O’Grady Irish Dancers are coming to perform for our school! Proud Society students will get to see the action live in the auditorium, so wear your proud shirts! 8th grade students, dance team and step team will also watch live! The rest of the school will get to watch a live stream! We have 3 Northeast students performing!! Abby Hackett, Deleany Barron,  and  Mariah Briner…  Wear your green and show our Hornets some support!!!

WEARING OF MASKS: With masking now being optional, we would like to remind all of our students, teachers, and staff to respect each other’s choice to wear a mask Thank you.

WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY: Monday, March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day! All you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed – they might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colorful socks! If someone asks you about your socks you can tell them, “I’m wearing them to raise awareness of Down syndrome”.  Snap a picture and post using the hashtag #LotsOfSocks Did you know?: People with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes in each of the cells in their body. Most other people have 46.


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Wednesday, March 16th is a rehearsal for those who are participating in the Together We Sing Choral Workshop. This rehearsal for students singing this Saturday (March 19th) will last from 3:15-4:00 and will take place in the chorus room.; Thursday, March 17th is a rehearsal for those who are participating in the Together We Sing Choral Workshop. It will be one more opportunity for us to feel comfortable about the music that will be sung on Saturday, March 19th from 9 AM until noon. Rehearsal will last from 3:15-4:00.; Friday, March 18th – No rehearsal nor auditions for solos after school. To those students who are interested in auditioning for solos for Bruno and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story, we will have those auditions after school on Thursday, April 7th from 3:15 until 4:30.  Please put this date on your calendar if you are interested.; Saturday, March 19th – Together We Sing Workshop at Northeast Middle School from 9:00 AM until noon.  Please do not bring anything of value to this event…just you (the most valuable of ALL)!  Feel free to wear some type of green and white or NE gear that day!
  • BAND & ORCHESTRA: Attention all musician students, please remember at the end of the day to pick your instrument up from the band room to take home and practice.
  • DANCE TEAMPractice after school on Wednesday! See you then!
  • DEBATE CLUB: Debate Club is back for the Spring session! Permission slips are outside A213! If you were a part of Debate Club in the fall, just message Ms. Anderson in the Debate Club Group chat in Schoology if you are returning. New members are welcome to join! The first meeting is Tuesday, March 15th. The club is open to all students in grades 6, 7 and 8 and meets Tuesdays after school.
  • HOMEWORK CLUB: If you are in 8th grade and need help with your assignments, join Homework Clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays! 8th grade meets in Mrs. Papagni’s room in B305. Miss Rinaldi’s 7th grade homework club has ended.
  • MARCH MATHNESS: The next meeting for March Mathness is Tuesday, March 15th. There is still room to join! Please see Mrs. McCandless in room A109 for information.
  • SISTER ACT JR.: A special THANK YOU to all of the cast members of Sister Act Jr. who represented our school and district so proudly on Tuesday morning at Zoellner. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with our community. Each of you makes a difference every day in our school with your voices and talents coming together in such a powerful way. You make us all NORTHEAST PROUD! Keep April 23rd on your calendar, please – we will be performing at Cops n’ Kids that morning. Details to be announced once we hear from the organization…thank YOU!
  • WORLD PERCUSSIONSee you Thursday after school for practice! Sectional – Thursday for horns and rhythm section.