Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 19, 2022- Day 5


BREAKFASTDid you know that Breakfast meals are now FREE for this school year?! Stop down and try some of our new menu items – Turkey Sausage Breakfast Stick, Pumpkin Donut Holes with Hot Chocolate, Pancakes and more! 

SPIRIT WEEK: This week is Spirit Week! Monday- Sports Jersey Day; Tuesday – Miss-match Day; Wednesday – Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher Day; Thursday & Friday – both days are Green & White Days.

WALKATHON: We are having our annual Walkathon on Wednesday, October 19th. Students will walk during the school day to raise money for special events, like the dances, the Proud a thon, and field trips! You can help in two ways! Share the link on Social Media or email, even if you are not able to give at this time. Your teachers will send it out to your families! If you are able to give you can bring money or a check to your homeroom teacher. Or- even easier, give online! The team who raises the most will win a prize that will be announced soon! Make us Northeast Proud!


  • DANCE TEAM: Attention all students! Dance Team Auditions will be held on Wednesday. Please come and try out! After school until about 4pm. Please see Mr. Huie if there are any questions!
  • MUSICAL: Hello, Northeast family! The time for auditions for this year’s musical is upon us! The year the Northeast MS Theatre Company will be performing Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.! All auditions are open to all students! Please take notice of the dates & times of importance for the upcoming show! Thursday, October 27th – Introduction to the NEMSTC musical Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.! This meeting is open to any student interested in learning more about the musical. Monday, October 31st, Tuesday, November 1st, & Wednesday, November 2nd will be audition days from 3:25 until 5pm in the auditorium. You only need to attend one day of the auditions, but can attend all three days as well. The directors will meet to cast the show on Thursday, November 3rd after school. The cast list will be posted on Friday afternoon, November 4th at 3:05pm. Read through of the musical for all cast member will be on Wednesday, November 9th. Please remember… all students are invited to audition. All students who audition will be cast in the show! See Ms. Parker with any questions.
  • WORLD PERCUSSION ENSEMBLEThe list is up outside of Mr. Huies’ room. If you didn’t see it, please go and check to see if you made it. Our first practice will be next week on Day 1 during Hornet Block. See you then!  


  • FOOTBALL: Our Northeast Football Team will take on Broughal tomorrow evening at the BASD Stadium at 5pm. Come cheer on your team! Tickets are $2 for students and $3 for adults.