Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 16, 2022- Day 5


NE SINGERSGood morning! The rehearsal schedule for NE Singers for the remainder of the school year is as follows: Saturday, December 17th performance in Downtown Bethlehem from 3-4 PM…can’t wait to share your talent with our community! Dress warmly for the weather…we’ll be singing outside! Hats, antlers, red noses, and any other festive look is welcomed! What a great way to celebrate this special time of year! Be ready to sing at 2:55 pm behind the huts at the Sun Inn! Remember…it will be very busy downtown. Need a ride? See Mrs. Parker TODAY! Thank you for your time and talent…you make us all NORTHEAST PROUD! We will have rehearsal on Monday and Tuesday, December 19th and 20th, from 3:25-4 PM in the chorus room in preparation for Wednesday’s Caroling in the Lehigh Valley. Please get your permission slips in as soon as possible. We will be caroling all day on Wednesday. As always, thank you for your time and talent! 

HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK: Holiday Spirit Week is Dec 19-22. Let’s get in the Holiday Spirit before Winter Break!

Mon Dec 19 – Holiday Colors Day:

Tues Dec 20 – Holiday Sweater Day (As festive as you can be) 

Wed Dec 21 – Holiday Socks Day 

Thurs Dec 22 – Holiday Accessories Day – Go all out! Hats, headbands, necklaces…. 

AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: This message is from Mrs. Anderson, advisor to TRUE COLORS and YANA Clubs. This time of year, with less daylight and colder temperatures, we are becoming more isolated and may feel alone. This is how many LGBTQIA+ students feel all year round. TRUE COLORS and YANA clubs created a banner, that hangs near the cafeteria, to remind everyone that you are not alone and an important part of our Northeast family. Happy holidays. 

PROUD: NE PROUD Society Students: we will have our first celebration on Monday, December 19th in the auditorium during 7th and 8th periods…get ready for some food, hot chocolate, and karaoke to start this final week of school in 2022 off! You MUST have your PROUD Shirt on for this event in order to participate. We repeat…you must wear your PROUD Shirt on for this event! 

Thank YOU for all you are doing to make Northeast PROUD…it’s time to celebrate and enjoy each of YOU!