Spring Sports Physicals Will Be Offered at Freedom & Liberty
Attention! Attention! All 7th and 8th Grade students who plan to participate in Softball or Soccer this Spring! You will need to get a physical...
Attention! Attention! All 7th and 8th Grade students who plan to participate in Softball or Soccer this Spring! You will need to get a physical...
Hello Hornet Nation. This is the Sunday Shout Out for February 6th. Reminder, report cards for the 2nd quarter were mailed home at the end...
Hello Hornet Nation. This is the Sunday Shout Out for January 30th. Report cards for the 2nd quarter will be mailed home at the end...
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Student Leadership would like to share with you about the opportunity to purchase flowers for someone special. Student...
Hello Hornet Nation. This is the Sunday Shout Out for January 23rd. The Third Quarter begins on Tuesday, January 25th. We are halfway through the...
Hello Hornet Nation. This is the Sunday Shout Out for January 16th. There is no school tomorrow, January 17th in observance of Martin Luther King...
If you are an 8th grader who is interested in singing in Liberty High School’s chorus next year as a freshman, please email Mrs. Parker...
Hello Hornet Nation. This is the Sunday Shout Out for January 9th. We had a wonderful first week back, even if it was only four...
We love to have fans at our basketball games cheering on our teams! Students, please remember these simple rules: Masks must be worn at all...
WINTER COATS: BRRRRRRRRR – Students- Need of a new winter coat? Teachers, know a student that might be chilly? Stop by A312 and see Mrs. Derrington!...