Spring Sports Physicals
Attention any 7th or 8th grade student interested in playing soccer or softball for Northeast this Spring: You must have a sports physical in order to...
Attention any 7th or 8th grade student interested in playing soccer or softball for Northeast this Spring: You must have a sports physical in order to...
BOYS BASKETBALL: Congratulations to the boy’s varsity basketball team on their win at Lower Mac last night. Both Varsity and JV play at home on Wednesday against...
The Girls basketball team played Lower Macungie Middle last night. Winning was not in the cards, but they were both amazing defensive games. Every game...
Week of January 28, 2018: Monday, January 29th: All Girls Group and NE Singers girls will rehearse from 3:10-4 PM Tuesday, January 30th: a singing and...
Week of January 28, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the last few days of January and...
Please note the changes to the Saturday, January 27th rehearsal schedule for Once Upon a Mattress. CAST: 8:30-10:30 rehearsal for all cast members. Please remember this change of schedule. ...
Northeast has accepted the challenge of helping to find a cure for Blood Cancer! We are joining the 3 other Bethlehem middle schools, Liberty and...
Week of January 21, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of January 21st. It is hard to...
To the cast of Getting to Know Once Upon a Mattress: Congratulations and thank you for your time and talent! Please download the rehearsal schedules and...
Martellucci’s Pizzeria loves Northeast! They are giving us 3 Full Days of 15% of all sales to Northeast School. Where: Martellucci’s Pizzeria, 1419 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, 18018 610-865-2013 When: Tues. Jan 23,...