Debate Club
Attention all debaters! The next meeting for the debate club will be Tuesday, October 10th, after school in room A105. All are encouraged to attend. Newcomers...
Attention all debaters! The next meeting for the debate club will be Tuesday, October 10th, after school in room A105. All are encouraged to attend. Newcomers...
Attention world percussion ensemble, there will be a practice on Thursday, October 12, from 3:05-3:45. See you there for our first practice!
We apologize for any confusion. The Step Team tryouts are moved to Thursday , October 5, in the auxiliary gym, 315-5:20.
6th, 7th, and 8th grade students – Northeast’s Got Talent is upon us! This year we will be holding our competition on the evening of Friday,...
Student Leadership will host their annual walk-a-thon on Friday October 6, 2017 during 9th period and activity period. The cost to participate is ONE DOLLAR! Homeroom teachers...
Boy’s basketball open gym. There will be an 8th grade only open gym on Tuesday, 10/10 from 3:15 to 4:30 in the Aux. gym. There will be a 7th grade only...
Any field hockey players with clothing orders forms completed please bring to Miss Schlener in room A102.
Rehearsal Schedule: Week of October 1, 2017: The schedule for after school vocal groups is as follows: Tuesday, October 3 ...
World Percussion Ensemble, the list is up! Please look outside of Mr. Huie’s room to see if you made it. Thank you to all who...
Students trying out for Dance Team, there will be sign up sheets for times outside of Mr. Huie’s room. Please sign up for your audition...