The BASD welcomes our students and families to the 2024-2025 school year. Have a great first day of school!
Welcome to Nitschmann Middle School!
Welcome Video featuring Mrs. Amanda Miranda
24-25 Dining Services Information & Application for Free/Reduced Lunch
2024-2025 Grading Policy – and Synergy ParentVUE Information
Information for Parents/Guardians on Logging into Schoology
Parent/Guardian Helpful Tips for Schoology
Schoology Navigation (English) Schoology Navigation (Espanol)
Nitschmann Middle School is a community middle school of 800 students in West Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, serving the City of Bethlehem and Hanover Township. Nitschmann is within walking distance of much of Bethlehem’s historical, residential, and recreational areas.
Our school believes that all members of our school community will support our collective vision of providing a balanced, rigorous, and exploratory academic experience. Nitschmann Middle School emphasizes high expectations but balances those expectations with appropriate levels of support from our staff, parents, and community partners. Our motto is to “Work Hard, Play Hard!”
We welcome you to learn and engage our school in our critical mission of fostering our community’s children into respectful, responsible and focused learners.
To see what our school community is doing each day, I invite you to check out our social media sites on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
Interested in more information about us? Check out our Viewbook Page for a quick summary of Nitschmann Middle School! NMS Viewbook Insert