AP Literature & Composition 2020
Please download the following documents: Overview of Suggested Summer Reading, AP English Frankenstein Dialectical Journal and Literary Response Question Stems for Short Stories Short Stories...
Seniors: The LHS General Scholarship Application for the Class of 2025 is now open! Please log into Naviance and navigate to the scholarship page for the application and many more! Deadline to apply is Friday March 28th.
Attention Seniors- Please check your BASD email for information about class dues, details about the Prom and the Prom Fashion Show! See Miss Michael or Mr. Truby with any questions
Liberty Theatre – Friends of Liberty Theatre presents The Soiree, Thursday, 3/13, at 7:00 PM in the LHS lobby and auditorium. We are celebrating our Magical Mystical Era with a student cabaret, basket raffle and light refreshments. The tickets are $10.00 cash at the door. Come on out for an evening of fun!
In order to volunteer to be a buddy you must
* All volunteers will receive 6 hours of community service, lunch and an event t-shirt for $6.
*All applicants will then return the completed and signed application forms and $6 to Mrs. Prodes in room 505.
There are limited spots and applications are accepted on a first come basis. Deadline is Friday March 21st or when spots fill.
SENIOR YEARBOOK PHOTO DEADLINE – MARCH 15, 2025 The deadline to have your senior photo taken to appear in the 2025 yearbook is March 15, 2025. If you have not yet scheduled your senior portrait, please contact Christmas City Studio ASAP at 610.691.2109 to schedule your appointment.
Venture X is located at 306 South New Street, Suite 110, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Community Service Do you consider yourself patriotic? Do you place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem? Do you feel proud when you see the flag flying high or wonder what happened when you see it’s at half staff? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be the right person to raise and lower the flag outside LHS and earn community service hours doing it. See Mr. Wuchter in SSC 103 to learn more.
March College Rep Visits:
Juniors and seniors need to sign up in their Naviance accounts. Any sophomores interested, please see Mrs. A in SSC 800.
Please download the following documents: Overview of Suggested Summer Reading, AP English Frankenstein Dialectical Journal and Literary Response Question Stems for Short Stories Short Stories...
Congresswoman Susan Wild is hosting her annual event to provide information to students who are interested in learning more about applying to military academies on...
Senior Yearbook Update Message Hello Seniors, Parents, and Families, I am hoping that this message finds you well. I realize that your senior year has...
Please click here to read the memo.
After January 6, 2020, there will be no crossing guard coverage at the intersection of Union Boulevard and 5th Avenue and at the intersection...
State Representative Steve Samuelson visited with Government and Economics classes on 11/25/19. He explained to the students what is involved with his job and the...
Megan Angelo, a native of Quakertown, Pennsylvania and a graduate of Villanova University, visited Liberty’s communication pathway students today. Ms. Angelo has written about television,...
Here are links to some slideshows: Red & Blue Day Decorations Bonfire! Senior Breakfast
Liberty held its annual Homecoming Pep Rally today – more pics tomorrow.