Home / News / Positive Case of COVID-19 at Northeast, Northeast Will Remain Open


Please read the full letter here. Please read the Spanish version here.

Dear Staff or Parents/Guardians,

On October 24, the Bethlehem Area School District was notified of a positive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Northeast Middle School.

School leadership, in conjunction with local public health officials, has determined that there is no need to close our school at this time.  The classrooms and spaces used by the individual were cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidelines… continue reading the full letter here. 

Estimado personal o padres/encargados:

El 24 de octubre, el Distrito Escolar del Área de Bethlehem fue notificado de un caso positivo de coronavirus (COVID-19) en Northeast Middle School.

El liderazgo escolar, junto con los funcionarios de salud pública del área local, ha determinado que no es necesario cerrar nuestra escuela en este momento. Las aulas y los espacios utilizados por la persona fueron limpiados y desinfectados de acuerdo con las pautas de los CDC…sigue leyendo