Hello Skiers and Riders!
I hope you are as excited for the start of this year’s skiing and riding season. We are supposed to get lots of snow this year. The Blue Mountain Portal for Freedom High School is set up. I have shared the link below. To make sure you join the right group there is a password for the Freedom High School group. If you have any questions contact me cjones@basdschools.org
Thank you for joining our Ski & Snowboard group at Blue Mountain!
These are the products available to you this year:
- Student Off-Peak Season Pass ($229)
- Add on ski or board rentals for daily pick-up all season ($90)
- Add on ski or board lessons (1-$25 or 5-$100)
- Add on Carver Cash
- Adult Off-Peak Season Pass ($500)
- Add on ski or board rentals for daily pick-up all season ($90)
- Add on seasonal locker rental ($299)
- Add on Carver Cash
- All-Access Season Pass ($675)
- Add on ski or board rentals for daily pick-up all season ($90)
- Add on seasonal locker rental ($299)
- Add on Carver Cash
Here is the link for Freedom High School for the 23/24 winter season: