General Announcements
Backpack Buddies will be hosting a Cookie Fundraiser TODAY Friday 3/21 in the Coffee Shop. Enjoy your favorite cookies & support a great cause.
- Seniors: The LHS General Scholarship Application for the Class of 2025 is now open! Please log into Naviance and navigate to the scholarship page for the application and many more! Deadline to apply is Friday March 28th.
Attention Seniors- Please check your BASD email for information about class dues, details about the Prom and the Prom Fashion Show! See Miss Michael or Mr. Truby with any questions
Liberty Theatre – Tickets for Mamma Mia will go on sale starting tomorrow, Wednesday, 3/19, at 12:00pm. Please use the link below to purchase tickets. Mamma Mia Tickets –
Special Olympic Volunteers Needed If you are interested in volunteering as a “Buddy” for the Special Olympic Track and Field event on Thursday May 1st please pick up your applications in your SSC or in room 505.
In order to volunteer to be a buddy you must:
- *be in good standing, have no more than 2 unexcused absences and cannot have an N in citizenship.
- *Volunteers must get their teacher’s signatures for every period and their SSC Principal’s signature.
* All volunteers will receive 6 hours of community service, lunch and an event t-shirt for $6. *All applicants will then return the completed and signed application forms and $6 to Mrs. Prodes in room 505.
There are limited spots and applications are accepted on a first come basis. Deadline is Friday March 21st or when spots fill.
- YWCA of Bethlehem Pop-Up Prom Shop at Venture X in South Bethlehem on March 29, 2025 at 9 am. The Prom Pop-Up Prom Shop offers prom attire for high school students for $20. The attire includes:
- New and gently used prom dresses (and some men’s suits).
- Vouchers are also available for students who need financial support.
- FREE giveaway items like jewelry, brand-new donated makeup, hair accessories, etc.
Venture X is located at 306 South New Street, Suite 110, Bethlehem, PA 18015
- 2025 Yearbooks are NOW ON SALE The 2025 yearbooks are NOW ON SALE so don’t miss out and get ready to MIX IT UP! Our 100th edition of Liberty’s yearbook called, The Cauldron, will be on sale until May 2, 2025. All students and parents were sent an email with ordering information. Order forms can also be picked up in room 001. See Mrs. Gilliard with any questions.
- VISIT THE SCHOOL STORE Room 42, bottom floor of the commons building. Open every day during 3rd block Come & Get Snacks ,Drinks , Ice cream and Liberty Merch
Clubs & Organizations
LHS Future Medical Professionals Club: On Thursday, March 27th, LHS Future Medical Professionals Club is having guest speaker Dr. Nick Reis, who is board certified at St. Luke’s University Health Network, come and speak about his career and schooling. Thursday, March 27th2:45 – 3:30 in Room 414. All current members and all interested students are welcome to attend! For more information or any questions, please stop by to see Dr. K in Room 414.
Pinterest Club Pinterest Club meeting on Thursday 3-20. Please come and join us in Room 202. All are welcome to come and DIY some Venetian Masks
Trip to the US Naval Academy – The Guidance Department is sponsoring a field trip to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Students in grades 9-11 who are interested in a military academy should see Mr. Uhler in SSC 400 for details on this event. The deadline to register is Friday, March 28th.
Community Service Do you consider yourself patriotic? Do you place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem? Do you feel proud when you see the flag flying high or wonder what happened when you see it’s at half staff? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be the right person to raise and lower the flag outside LHS and earn community service hours doing it. See Mr. Wuchter in SSC 103 to learn more.
College Visits
March College Rep Visits:
- Savannah College of Art and Design 3/25/25 @ 1:00 in room 831
- Commonwealth University 3/27/25 @ 9:15 in room 83; ( Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, Mansfield)
Juniors and seniors need to sign up in their Naviance accounts. Any sophomores interested, please see Mrs. A in SSC 800.
Attention Juniors! Liberty will be participating in a college visit to Kutztown University on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. This visit will include an information session and campus tour. We will be leaving Liberty at 9:15 AM and returning around 1:30 PM. Lunch will be provided. Space is limited to 30 students – first come, first served. If you are interested, please see the attached permission form or pick one up in SSC 112. Permission forms are due on Tuesday, April 15 to either Ms. Vazquez in SSC 112 or Ms. Seng in SSC 400. We hope many students will take advantage of this college visit opportunity!
Trip to the US Naval Academy The Guidance Department is sponsoring a field trip to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Students in grades 9-11 who are interested in a military academy should see Mr. Uhler in SSC 400 for details on this event. The deadline to register is Friday, March 28th.
New Employment Opportunities Page check it out for jobs in your area
Important Dates & Information
Liberty Theatre Audition Information & Materials
Important Dates Completed Audition Applications Due: September 6 by 3 pm (submit in the main office OR room 863) Auditions: September 9, 2024 2:30 –...
Signing Day 2024
Liberty High School Signing Day 2024 • Friday, April 26, 2024 Liberty High School recognized 25 student athletes who will be attending 23 colleges and...
Liberty students attend Moravian’s Zora Felton Martin Women’s Symposium
Liberty students had the opportunity to attend Moravian’s Zora Felton Martin Women’s Symposium on Friday 4/12/2024. They participated in workshops related to Leadership Self-Care, Financial Literacy, and Vision...
Spirit Week Bonfire 2023
On Thursday, October 26th, 2023, Liberty held it’s annual Spirit Week Bonfire. Before the lighting of the bonfire, Seniors from the LHSGB, Cheerleaders and Football...
Liberty Holds Pre-Memorial Day Ceremony
On Friday, May 26th, Liberty High School honored the fallen men and women of the armed forces with a short wreath-laying ceremony in front of...